
Israel’s Battles

I would like to have this note include all of the battles Israel has been in that are spoken of in The Bible, but, I just want to explain something very simple.

Israel, not the land, but the people – the Jews – are the ONLY people God granted a particular part of the world. God said the land belongs to Israel. Men can say what they want, but God makes the rules.

I heard, once again, people calling themselves Palestinians claiming that Israel is occupating their land. Without condemning anyone, they are sadly mistaken. They have been lied to for hundreds of years and continue to use brute force to attempt to wipe Israel off the map.

Other than the Jews who live in the land God gave them thousands of years ago, we are all occupying land that was not “deeded” us by The Creator.

I was visiting a great friend of mine in his home Sunday afternoon. We sat there in peace, not worrying about someone bombing us with missiles or militants storming the house to kill and torture us. How blessed we are and how far our minds drift away from the terror that the people of Israel live with every day and never know what to expect or when to expect it.

Even Arabs live inside Israel’s borders and are not spared from the evil of man, trying to take what is not theirs. I cannot put myself in the shoes of Israelis or the people who hate them. If I grew up, being told that we are enemies of this group or that group and we attack whenever and with no warning, I would probably believe things that way.

Being a Bible-believer, I know the land belongs to the Jews, or Israel. But I also know the people that have been lied to are not 100% responsible for the mindset that infects them, but they are responsible for their own actions.

One day, perhaps very soon, Israel will retaliate and other countries will join in a terrible war against them. God will intervene and put the battle to an end…. temporarily…. I do not like killing or warfare. And I know Israel does not want to hurt anyone who is not part of the attacking group, but they hide among the masses so when retaliating, there are way too many people killed who had nothing to do with the fighting.

I believe that this current situation can easily enough be pushed into the Ezekiel 38-39 war. Of course, I do not know. I know I am not alone when I say I hate seeing the evil of mankind. It doesn’t matter if it is a bully on a playground or anything worse.

Some day, Jesus will come and take His Church bride to His Father’s House. We Christians call that The Blessed Hope. I could go on a bit of a rant about how we have changed the use of the word “hope” but I will simply say that Biblical hope is the belief, the understanding of a sure event that is said will happen, will happen. Not like, “I hope it does not rain tomorrow.” But, My Hope is in The Lord!

I sometimes have weeks of not writing anything here. It is not because I do not want to, but because I have way too much to say. I have topics I think about, I have specific scripture passages I want to write about…. and with all of the events happening, I have a lot of prophetic information I want to share. I am not a prophet, except by the definition of a “forth-telling” prophet.

My time on this page has come to an end. I shake my head in disgust as I look at myself and my fellow man and see how much we all deserve hell. I pray the events of the past few days help bring people to Christ. Maybe it will drive people to their knees to cry out to God in such a way The Holy Spirit can work with them. May all of these things help each of us understand how important it is to pray for the peace of Israel, as well as for all to accept Jesus Christ, The Almighty Creator, The God-Man Who Is Truly God, and The Only Way, Truth, and Life.

Father, forgive us. We know what we do. We know that You love us so much that You sent Your Son to die for us that we might live, before we ever took a breath. I pray that when we see You, we might better understand that love. Help us to share the love we do understand that can only come from You with everyone we meet. Help us to sow so many seeds that they may overcome the weeds in the lives of others. Thank You for loving me. I am a sinner, saved by grace. I pray this in the name of Your Son, my Savior, Jesus The Christ. Amen.


When will the rapture happen?

Let me tell you….

This is one question that has been on the minds of Christians ever since Christ left the Earth in the clouds.

Many people and organizations have put dates on the expected “end of the world” or whatever they may have called it.  Many times, wars or severe worldwide diseases have brought on thoughts of “the end”.  And, it is pretty easy to understand why.  The Bible says that the church will be saved from the day of wrath.  Well, what wrath is it talking about?

The wrath is “the time of Jacob’s troubles,” the end of “the day of the gentiles,” the tribulation, the great tribulation, and the cleansing of the world.  The wrath is the wrath of God, poured out onto the inhabitants of the Earth.  The Bible says Christians will be removed from the Earth and will not experience such wrath in an event referred to as “the rapture.”

As we, historically as well as currently and even futuristically, experience the evil of man and destruction due to various events, wonder…. “is this the day?”  There are several songs that are titled or similarly titled to “This Could Be The Day.”  I like Alicia Williamson’s version.  The more evil we see, the more we think, THIS COULD BE THE DAY!  We all wish that.  Who wants to endure more of man’s wrath or man’s evil or Satan’s works on Earth?

Well, let me tell you, although everyone else has been wrong so far when predicting the day of the rapture, I will tell you exactly when it will be…  Well, at least as close as anyone else has ever been or closer….. 

Wait!  Read on….

Let me start from the larger timeframe and whittle it down for you.  The rapture will happen after the year 2022.  The season will be after a harvest season of some type, as Christ will remove the wheat from the chaff.  The rapture will happen on or before August 29, 2023.  Now that we got it whittled down that much, one more detail….  The rapture will happen after 12:00AM.

There.  Now you know when it will happen.  I even got it down to a 24-hour period of time.

Seriously, we know the rapture will happen AFTER the last person to accept Jesus as their savior does so.  I have heard that for quite some time.  A music group called NewSong has a song titled, “This Could Be the Day” and part of the lyrics is as follows: 

“There’s a person somewhere

Who will be the last one saved

Then the body of our Lord

Will be completely made

Oh, every time a sinner trust Him

We’re closer than before

To leave Him here and be in there

With Him forevermore”

With that in mind, I can say “DUH!”  I can also say, it will happen after the last Christian swallows water.  Obviously, there will be a last something before the rapture.  People have been saying they want to have that last soul accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior today!  Well, here’s a question for you to ponder….  What if God decided to send Jesus to get His bride the second before YOU accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  We should not push for the last person to accept Christ, but to see how many people we can help get to know Jesus before He comes to get us.  I recently have had that thought.  What if?  Aren’t you glad Jesus was not seen returning in the clouds before you became a believer?

So, as light-hearted as this post is meant to be, I hope it also leaves you ever so much more grateful that God saw you and held back on telling Jesus to retrieve His bride.  I don’t know what He saw in me that He ever even thought of me.  Yet, I know He loves me so much…  I tell my kids I love them more than they will ever understand.  And I mean it.  Not that I think they will not have children and love them severely, but, I can’t imagine loving my children any more than I do.  And yet, how much more does God love me?  And who do I think I am that I should push for the last person to accept Christ so I can avoid the pain of death and the evil that is to come to me during the rest of my living seconds on this planet?  I mean, seriously….  Every time I hear the statement that we need to hurry and tell others about Jesus so the last person can accept Him so the rapture can happen, I think, “Wait….  Can we get one more soul?”

There was a war movie I liked, called “Hacksaw Ridge.”  It is based on a true story of a conscientious objector who served in World War II as a medic.  Towards the end of the film, he is seen injured, struggling to move himself, yet still going out onto the battlefield to find anyone breathing that he can help.  He carries, drags, and wills injured men to the edge of a high ridge where he ties ropes around the damaged bodies, one at a time, and lowers them to others who remove the ropes and carry the men to get medical attention.  His prayer to God was, “Please, let me get just one more.”  Just thinking of the end of the film makes my eyes leak…. 

How much more value does the everlasting life of a person have than the physical life?  I have to ask myself that question and I should ask myself that daily, probably several times each day.  I know me.  If you have read enough of these posts, you will likely remember how I refer to myself as a chicken Christian.  I have signs on my truck that I made that say

(Are you ready for the rapture?  You need to be ready!” and “Your life matters.  Jesus died for YOU!”  I have these signs to have others start the communication with me.  One thing that happens when I drive, sometimes I am reminded I have those signs on my truck so I had better let Christ show through me rather than the old man in my, especially when someone cuts me off. 

If you are not a Christian, perhaps someone pointed you to this site or posting and you have been touched by The Holy Spirit and realize you really want to be part of the rapture, I give this as an option for you to pray to God.  Pray this prayer and mean it.  “Father in Heaven, God of all things, I come to You, knowing I need You to help me through this life and forever in the next life.  Please forgive me of my sins.  I know you will, so long as I ask.  Jesus, please enter my heart and lead me in the ways You want me to go.  I thank You, Father, for all You have done for me.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.”

My prayer today, that I will share with you….  “Father, thank You so much for constantly forgiving me and bringing me closer to You.  I ask that You use this web site, these postings, and Your words to bring You glory.  Please help me to always remember Your love is beyond anything I can understand, and You wish for no man to perish, but for all to come to repentance.  Please use me as a tool to prepare the soil, plant the seed, nourish the ground, and help in any way it can to allow one more soul to accept Your free gift of salvation.  To You be all glory!  In the name of Your Son, The Creator Christ, Jesus, Amen.



We recently experienced an election in the United States. There was a lot of disappointment in that, with candidates, supporters, and voters. There is also a lot of disappointment with the way votes were cast and counted.

We all experience disappointment in our lives. If we did not have disappointments, we probably would not have victories. Sometimes our disappointments are with ourselves. Perhaps we thought we could perform a task and end up with better results than we ended up with. There are some people who really struggle with disappointments.

I recently experience disappointment when my new friend, I will refer to her as Anna, resigned. But, her disappointments were greater than mine. Taking away any relationship there may have been, I can find a new friend. Anna struggles with depression. That can be a terrible thing. For those of us who do not experience that battle, we really cannot understand the struggles those who have depression.

Me, being me, thought I could help. I try to be a good listener and comforter. But, I cannot remove the depression. I can only “put a bandage on it.” But, I don’t give up easy…. Unfortunately, that is not something that persistent requests to render aid help with. It seems that the persistence only keeps the issue alive. When I finally realized I was only really trying to make myself feel better, I was ashamed. Even still, I was expecting a positive response to my reaching out.

I have dealt with other people who struggle with depression. In that, it seems to me, there is no end to disappointment. From the outside, I asked how things were going. Obviously, since Anna had experience with the illness, she knew the answer to give, no matter how she really felt. I am no psychiatrist, so my opinion is not from education. Anna, like others, does not have a dial or meter on her forehead that tells others where she is with her depression. Many times, she did not know where she was on the dial herself. Not only that, but there are triggers that can explode the depression.

Feelings of inadequacy and loneliness are fairly common. Many of us experience those at some level, but those who struggle with depression seem to fall off a cliff where others are only knee deep in the negative emotions. Like thinking of what it might feel like to get your arm torn off by a shark, only those who experience that horror can really understand. And, for those who suffer with depression, really do experience horror when they have an episode.

So… in a strange transition, how does this deal with life in the last days? I think it fits in with life everyday for everyone. We need to understand those like Anna, to simply be there for them. We need to support others when they need it. But, there is only one source to completely heal the disease of depression, as well as all disappointments. God will never disappoint. He does allow for things to happen, and those things may disappoint us, but that is because we put our faith into things and events and not in God. God does not want us to be disappointed or depressed, but He allows us to learn lessons in life through what we call “bad things.” The passing away of a loved one. A fight between friends. The loss of a job. In the COVID days, there are endless things that can disappoint.

There are a lot of Bible verses that tell us things about anxiety, disappointment, and depression…. Here are just a few:

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Isaiah 41:13 “For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Psalms 94:19 “In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.”

Psalms 23 is also very expressive from David of how he felt in the care of God.

But, these verses are only words on a page if the reader does not know God.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Read that verse again – Romans 8:28…. “…all things work together for good…” “ALL THINGS!” So, what we think is bad, works together for good. But, the last part… what does that mean, “..called according to his purpose” God’s purpose is that all people ask for forgiveness and have a relationship with Him.

Without Jesus in your heart, none of those verses can apply to you. And, just because a person becomes a Christian does not heal them from depression or any other illness. Not that God does not heal, but the promise for healing comes in the next life. Actually it is still this life, because we will all live forever, according to the Bible. Some will live forever with God while others will live forever in the torture of Hell and the Lake of Fire.

Where will you spend eternity? The choice is yours! But, YOU MUST MAKE A CHOICE FOR GOD or you will end up burning forever. Jesus said, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, no man cometh to The Father, but by me.” There is no other way to Heaven, but Jesus.

So, how do you get started? Pray these words, but you must mean them, just saying them does nothing. “Father God, I know I am a sinner and deserve Hell. Please forgive me of all my sins and send Jesus to live in my heart.” If you said that and meant it, you will join me in the presence of God at some point in the future!

Heavenly Father, Your words shall not return to You void. Please help Anna come to a relationship with You. If it fits in Your will, please heal her from the depression and other demons. I ask that you use me and this blog to reach sinners and have them repent and turn to You. Please help me to always look to You to avoid disappointment in the events of this world. I ask this in the name of The Creator Christ, Your Son, Jesus. Amen.


Who should I vote for?

Well, I am so glad you asked. That is a question a lot of people are asking, and some who should be asking are not. Obviously, I have my personal picks and I will tell you about them below.

First, ask yourself what type of a person do you want in charge in the role for which you are making your selection. For some, it is easy, their friend or family member is running and they want them to win, so there is no question.

One of the things people look at is the color of the skin of the candidate. What difference does that make? None. If that is you, stop and think…. I will not call you a racist because I believe all people belong to the same race, the human race. There is no black or white, but different shades of brown – including yellowish, reddish, and olive tones, both light and dark, and everything in between. To vote for or against someone because of their skin tone makes you a sad contributor to many problems.

Some people won’t vote for a woman, if they have a choice, while others won’t vote for a man, if they have a choice.

Some people simply vote for the person currently in office, if they are able to run again. Well, what kind of decision are you making? Is that really the right candidate for the job?

Some people look at certain things in the news and vote for the candidate “promising” to make things better by choosing your plan. Like for the COVID-19, if you want everyone to wear a mask, you vote for the candidate pushing that. If you want to have everyone wear a red shirt on Mondays, you would vote for that person pushing that idea. Now, red shirts on Mondays, wouldn’t that be silly? So are many of the promises candidates make.

Several candidates, past and present, have been caught telling obvious lies. Some to make themselves feel or look good, but when the truth comes out, they hope nobody remembers. Some have even said something like, “When I talk to this group, I say this, but when I talk to that group, say that. We need to tell the people what they want to hear so we can get their vote.” And, the funny thing to me is that people still vote for them, not knowing what they really mean or even knowing how dishonest they have been to little things.

Some people vote like their family has for years. Like there is no difference in the world. And some vote how they are told by a group, like a union or some internet group. Yeah, that is what is called “group think” and is very dangerous.

Ok, so who should you vote for? I can only tell you that you should vote for the person you think God wants to have in office. Take, for example, where the candidates stand on abortion… Would God want people for abortion to be in charge? Perhaps homosexuality or the LGBT movement. Would God want people supporting that life style in charge? How about someone who supports removing God and all Bible related symbols from public places? Well, that’s what I use…. It depends on your stance on the subjects and if you care what God thinks of your vote.

Your vote counts and matters. It matters more to God than anyone else.

Father, in these times especially, help us to be wise in casting our ballots. Be with those in political positions and help them to be wise and follow Your guidance.

In the precious name of Jesus, we ask these things. Amen.


Scared about tomorrow?

With all that is going on in the world – even before the COVID-19 problems – even before the financial chaos that had started – it is easy to look at life and all the problems and be concerned, if not scared, of what tomorrow may bring.

I live in the United States. I am very blessed to have a great family, a good Church family, a job, a home, a vehicle, and lots of extras. With all the blessings I have, it would be easy to simply stay in my little world and complain about the lawnmower being broke. So many people don’t have food, shelter, or worse yet, hope. And for some people, hope may be all they have.

It is so easy to look around and see what you have, all the belongings, people, and some intangibles, like love and friendship. We often take Our Hope for granted. Notice I capitalized Our Hope. In The Bible, 1 Timothy, chapter 1, verse 1, our hope is named as our Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ. That is exactly where our hope should come from. The promised God has made to us, as The Father and The Son. He will never leave us or forsake us. How about you? Have you forsaken God? I know I have. Still, He never forsakes me.

Where do you put your hope? In the stock market? Well, I think any American and many others know what can happen with that… But maybe you put your hope in money in other things…. savings, a job, a trust, the lottery, gambling, real estate or some other investment. We see the countries of the world teetering on the edge of financial collapse. Many businesses have been permanently shut down and many people have or will be kicked out of their homes because they cannot pay rent or mortgage payments. We see the numbers in the U.S., but similar things are happening all over the world.

Sadly, people are turning to drugs, alcohol, violence, and all sorts of bad ideas, in order to “survive” or “help” them handle or escape reality. We see a rise in violence, racism, and blame. In some neighborhoods, one hardly dares step out of their home. In Chicago, two different letter carriers were shot by being in the way of a bullet meant for a different target. So now, I understand, people in the areas affected need to go to the post office to get their mail. Many have no means to get there. People are being killed for not saying, “Black lives matter.” I put a new sign on my truck… it says “Your life matters. Jesus died for you!”

So, should you be scared?

When an angel appeared to Mary, she was scared, the angel said, “Fear not.” Same thing with Joseph. Many times when an angle or God appeared to a human, they were scared. They were always told, “Fear not.” But, it was easier for them, right? I mean if I were to say I am never “scared,” I would be lying. I am working on that…. I have concerns, but I know God is in control. What happens is either because He wants it to happen, or He is allowing it to happen, all to fulfill His plan.

We can see Bible prophecies being fulfilled. Some are definitely as written in The Bible, others may be false events, trying to lead believers and Jews astray. There will be many false christs and many will be deceived. The Bible tells us that will happen. Jesus told us that there will be many bad events that will happen, but we should expect them and see them as signs of His return for His Church, in an event called The Rapture. Read Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew Chapter 24 KJV

So, what am I scared of? Well, not scared, but concerned that I have missed witnessing to someone who was ready to be told of Jesus, but I was too busy to say anything. And that is part of the reason I started this blog.

No matter who our nation’s leaders may be, God is still on the throne and Jesus will always be The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Do what God tells you and fear not!!!

Heavenly Father, Almighty God, please help us to trust in You and not fear the future or the present. We know You are in control and no matter how bad things may look to us through our earthly eyes, things are not falling apart, they are falling into place, to fit like puzzle pieces in Your plan. Be with us as we meet people who are open to Your Word and help us to be Your witnesses.

In the precious name of Your Son, The Creator Christ, our Lord Jesus, Amen.


Rapture Pre? Mid? Post?

Recommended reading: Mathew chapter 24 – note – the fig tree refers to the nation of Israel.

Let me say, if not the first time, not the last…. This topic is too large for me to cover every aspect of it in a short post. So, this is condensed. Do more research, if desired. There is a lot on the internet about this topic.

To many non-Christians, the Rapture is a new term. The word is not in The Bible. But, it means to be snatched out of or carried away. The Christian groups have different opinions of when the Rapture will occur. So, I will quickly cover some points that are all part of this topic and then discuss further.

“The seventieth week of Daniel” is noted in the book of Daniel, chapter 9. This was a mystery that was kept sealed (man could not understand) until fairly recently. The Bible talks about seventy weeks for the Nation of Israel. These are weeks of years, so one week of years = seven years. Seventy weeks=four hundred ninety years. This period appears to have started when Israel was to rebuild the city of Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity. Well, obviously, that was more than 490 years ago, so, what’s up?

After sixty-nine weeks of years, 483 years, Jesus Christ died on the cross. This put a pause on the counter, and began what is referred to as “The Church Age.” In Daniel, the seventieth week is also called “the time of Jacob’s trouble.” This is the last week for Israel and is referred to as The Tribulation period.

In this tribulation time, there are two periods, each 3-1/2 years in length. The first part will be fairly easy. Very easy compared to the second half. There will be a new world order, one world currency, a new world leader, a new single world currency, and promises for peace. The second half of the week of years will be God’s pouring out His wrath on the world due to sin. The events are written in Revelation, but there is no way anyone could understand how bad this will be. At the end of this tribulation, Jesus Christ will return, put an end to the war by killing all evil, and standing on the Mount of Olives.

When Christ returns at this time, it is called the second coming of Christ.

I could have put a lot more in the above, but, I don’t want this post to be a book!

In short form, here is the history and future of the world in different time periods of how God deals/dealt with mankind. These are called “dispensations”.

  1. Innocence – after creation, before sin
  2. Conscience – after the first sin, man ruled himself
  3. Human Government – this was just after the flood – God established laws and told mankind to fill and cover the earth
  4. Promise – after God promised Abraham his future family would become a great nation
  5. Law – this started with the ten commandments and included many other laws
  6. Grace – this started when Christ rose from the dead and forgiveness and everlasting life was made available to all
  7. Millennial Kingdom of Christ – this is after the second coming and Christ will rule as King on Earth for 1,000 years

We are currently in period 6 – the age of grace. When this age started, the 69th week was finished and that calendar was put on hold. At the end of grace and before the millennial reign, that is a time called the last days, followed by the tribulation. I, and many others, believe we are in the last days, a short period prior to the tribulation.

There are several key “players” in the last days/tribulation and there is a bit of confusion, due to us being individuals. These players include:

  1. Mankind – Christians
  2. Israel (Jews)
  3. Mankind – non-Christians
  4. Jesus
  5. The Holy Spirit
  6. The Beast
  7. Satan
  8. The Dragon
  9. The False Prophet
  10. The Tribulation Saints
  11. The two witnesses

God presents Himself in 3 distinct beings – The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Satan tries to take God’s place, so I see that as the beast, the false prophet, and the dragon. The beast could refer to a being or a government or a ruling process. Some people say the beast is a computer. Well, I don’t expect to need to know all that, but let’s see….

In the process (immediate) of salvation, a lot of thing happen…. The Holy Spirt indwells you and seals you. The Holy Spirit will never leave you. In 2 Thessalonians 2:7, it says “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.” Many of us believe the “one who now holds it back” is The Holy Spirit. So, that is what I am saying.

So, this is what we call The Rapture: 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4:13-18:

[13] But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
[14] For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
[15] For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
[16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
[17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
[18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

So, today, we see mankind – both Christians and non-Christians, and Jews. Note that some Jews are Christians, being a Jew is not by belief, but by blood, per The Bible. The Holy Spirit is active on the Earth and in the hearts of Christians. The Bible also says in Matthew 24:37, “But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” The days of Noah, before the flood, the world was full of violence and evil activities.

Today, in America, we see criminals being released from prison, people protecting their lives and property are being imprisoned, riots are happening, police forces are being reduced or abolished, and sexual perversion is rampant. This is a small part of before the flood and now. There is more. My question in this verse, is this before or after the Rapture? Well, it is underway now, and getting worse. But, remember, America is not “the world” – some parts of the world have experienced a lot worse than we have now. Some are not yet as bad as we have it in some areas, and most of America, as I write this, is still very blessed and peaceful.

So, the next thing is the Rapture…. This could be before or after national and international financial collapse. It could be before or after famine and pestilence (i.e. COVID-19). It could be before or after war, including nuclear war. Possibly even after the new world order is implemented.

Some people believe God will not allow His people, Christians, to go through that. Well, I say, look at other countries…. Christians have watched their family members get raped, beat, and killed in grotesque methods. So, I disagree with that thought. The Bible tells us we will be kept from experiencing God’s wrath in the tribulation, not from the evil of man or any “minor” disaster.

At the Rapture, only Christians will be taken. All others will be left behind. After the Rapture, a new world leader (the beast) will take over and there will be a single financial system – only one currency – but likely only electronic. They will also complete the implementation of the “marking” of people to buy or sell – “the mark of the beast”. There will also be a peace treaty with Israel for 7 years… There is a battle noted in Ezekiel 38&39 that may begin before or shortly after the Rapture. This is when several nations go against Israel, but God prevents damage.

The first 3-1/2 years will see people turn to God and they will be the tribulation saints. Most of them will be beheaded for not worshiping the beast or his statue. There will be 144,000 Jewish witnesses that will cover the Earth. Additionally, there will be two additional witnesses that will also proclaim God’s word and the need for repentance. These two will cause plagues and other things to them against God. At the end of the first 3-1/2 years, they will be killed and the people will see their bodies laying on the ground and they will celebrate their death with parties and gifts. These two are not named. Some think it could be Enoch and Elijah, as they were the only people noted in The Bible who did not die, but were taken alive, by God, to Himself. Also, the beast, the dragon and the false prophet will be in charge during that first 3-1/2 years.

I believe it is during the festivities celebrating the death of the two prophets that God starts pouring out His wrath on the Earth and its inhabitants. For the most part, Israel will be spared. The whole world will stand up together and attack Israel. God will allow Israel to receive much damage, but before total ruin, Jesus returns and kills the evil ones and there is so much blood, it fills a large valley. And God calls all the birds to eat the bodies of the dead. The evil ones are thrown into the lake of fire forever, where there is everlasting torment. This will be when Jesus delivers a “new world and new Jerusalem”. Then, the 1,000 year reign begins.

For details, read Revelation. It has a lot of symbolism that may be difficult to understand, but it spells out some of the details.

So, now the question, when will the Rapture happen? What year? What month? What day? Jesus said, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” in Matthew 24:36. It is also believed that Jesus said the generation to see Israel (the Jews) have a nation (1948) (but got Jerusalem 1967 in the Six-Day War) will not pass away before these things happen.

The important thing is to realize that you may not be around for the Rapture. You may not finish reading this paragraph. You don’t know when you will breathe your last breath. You need to be ready for the Rapture NOW!

I had a magnetic sign I had made for my truck that had this message:

To help some of you… it means: Are you ready for the Rapture? You need to be ready.

How you can be ready….

  1. Admit you are a sinner – we all have sinned, no matter how good we think we are.
  2. Ask God to forgive you of your sin.
  3. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and become your Savior.

Here is a sample prayer:

God, You know I am a sinner. I have come to realize I am a sinner. I need forgiveness. Will you please forgive me of my sins and help me to stop sinning? Jesus, will you please come into my heart and be my Savior? Thank You, Jesus for saving me and thank You, God, for forgiving me. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

That’s it. Now that you are saved from God’s wrath, hell, and the lake of fire, try to live like it. No, you won’t stop sinning, just keep asking God for help. Realize everybody needs Jesus. Read The Bible and talk to God frequently.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be able to tell others about You. Thank You for all you have done in my life and help me to fight away the old thoughts and think more about You. I pray this in the name of the Creator Christ, Jesus. Amen.


Genesis-Sodom Proof

Many people today think that if a person is homosexual, it is because they were “born that way.” I don’t agree, neither does God. There are many sins that God directly shows his wrath against in The Bible. In Genesis chapter 19, the events of God’s wrath against homosexuality is written. Genesis 19:24-25 says, “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.”

There is even wrath shown against Lot’s wife who did not listen to God. Today, we are being fed the lie that homosexuality is normal and we need to accept it. They have added it to TV programs and advertisements to make us think it should be allowed. Well, The Bible teaches us to love the sinner, but to hate the sin. Look at yourself. Are you free from all sin? I certainly am not. It is covered by The Blood of Jesus, so my sins are forgiven, but I am not free from sin. We all sin. But, sexual immorality is totally against God’s design and He made that pretty clear.

Oh, you don’t think it happened? Well, without the physical evidence, I believe it did… This post is short as I link to a video I hope will be available as long as this site is active.

Ron Wyatt also discovered these cities and a lot more… look for Ron Wyatt’s Presentation of Discoveries….. God allowed Ron to find a lot of things and document them before He called him home….

Heavenly Father, I ask that You allow the evidence You have preserved for us to see always be available for us to help people know Your Word, The Bible, is Truth in every way. I thank You for allowing me to see the evidence Ron Wyatt presented, and, as he said, I probably need the physical evidence more than I think I do. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. I pray this in the name of The Creator Christ, Jesus. Amen.


In The Beginning

So many people don’t read The Bible for their own reasons… Some complain about the King James English. Some say they don’t understand all the symbolism. Many people don’t read it because they are mad at God. Many others simply say they don’t believe in God. And others say they don’t care what The Bible says. Some people say they believe in God, but they don’t believe like God says they need to. They believe in the existence of “a god” but that’s all. Well, Satan believes God exists…. he used to work for Him!

Well, I guess if you don’t believe in God, I simply have to ask what you do believe in. I mean everybody has their idea of what will happen when they die. Many don’t think about it until they are deathly ill or have some sort of scare.

So, let’s say you want to start reading The Bible – but where to begin? If you look at the time we are in, many believe we are in the last days before the Rapture. So do you start reading in the middle of the New Testament? Revelation so you are close to the end? I say you start in the beginning. If you are investigating who God is or want to learn more about Him, I say start in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1. Do not allow other “myths” to overwhelm your reading. The first day was the first 24-hour day. The second day was the second 24-hour day, etc..

I like to listen to The Bible on my phone at night. I can select a book, like Genesis, or Luke, and listen to it being read to me. The more often I read or listen, the more I understand. So don’t think if you struggle a little that you need to stop. Just start over and keep going.

I do not like to call them “stories” because that seems like they are tales or something man came up with. I will refer to them as events. Historical events. Some information may not be included with every documented event, but enough is there to get an understanding.

If you start in Genesis, you will read about the following events: creation, the first sin, God’s relationship with man before and after sin, the first murder, God’s knowledge of everything, demons having sex with women and their offspring, the evil and wickedness of man, Noah and the flood, Abraham and his almost killing of his own son, Jacob, Joseph, the beginning of Israel, the family lineage, the tower of Babel, God’s promises, and more!

Genesis covers everything up to the Egyptians making slaves of the Israelites and the plagues God brought to the Egyptians and the crossing of the Red Sea, in the book right after Genesis, called Exodus.

In order for anyone to understand God’s dealing with mankind today, I think we need to understand how God has always dealt with mankind. God never changes. And you need to understand the history of certain events in order to understand the next things you read.

There are lots of sites you can visit that will give you all kinds of information. I did mine just to do whatever I might be able to do in order to help someone find God and become a Christian.

I think once you get through Genesis, and read/listen to it a couple times, you will have a better understanding of why God does what He does. It is important to remember as much as you can so you can answer some of your own questions later….

Let’s think about “The Flood.” There are flood legends all around the world. Do a little research on your own for that, if you so desire. The reason is, only eight people lived through the flood. So, wherever they went, they told their children and grandchildren about it and they passed it on to their children.

Why the flood? Just before the flood is discussed in The Bible, you see something about “the sons of God” having children with “the daughters of man.” Although the word “nephilim” is not found in the English King James Version, the offspring of these relationships were called nephilim. They were a cross-breed between fallen angels and humans. Some of these were giants and it is believed by some that some of these could be the gods of Greek mythology. But, that is not written in The Bible, so I should skip that for now, but, The Bible says that Noah was a just man and “perfect in his generations.” We believe the perfection in generations means there were no nephilim in his ancestry. In Genesis 6:5, it says “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Right behind that are verses 6 and 7 – “[6] And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. [7] And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.”

The wickedness of man upset God so much that He had enough and was going to wipe out life on the Earth. And look at verses 11 and 12 – “[11] The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. [12] And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” It must have been pretty bad…. the Earth was filled with violence…. sounds like Chicago, New York City, Seattle, and a few other cities in the US and many other places around the world.

If you have checked out my Creation #1 post, you will see what I think the world may have looked like before the flood. I think the water canopy crashed down and water burst forth through the crust of the Earth, creating our current fault lines and breaking up parts of the Earth. It sounds violent to me…. With all that water, it pushed a lot of animals and sand around and buried a lot of animals and people, and formed fossils using the pressure of the dirt and water. This is the only scientific answer for fossils. Any other flesh, whether buried or left out on top of the ground, turns to dust way too fast to make fossils. And fossils are found everywhere, even on the tops of some of the highest mountains.

It took Noah 100 years to build the ark with his sons, and he may have paid other people to help, even if they did not believe in God or the need for the boat. A job is a job, right? It rained and water burst through the Earth for 40 days and 40 nights. The whole time Noah and his family were in the boat was about one full year. I try to think about that when I am in the middle of a noisy and rowdy crowd (very infrequent these days). It was terrible before they got into the ark and only animals and their family for a year. When they got out, most of the animals dispersed and everything else in their world was pretty quiet.

It is interesting just how quickly man’s sin nature takes charge…. Noah’s great-grandson, Nimrod, was the leader of building the tower of Babel. All the people in the world were there working on building a tower to see God. God did not like what was happening, so He had to put an end to it. He decided to confuse the languages of the people so they could not understand each other. I believe God also used skin pigments to show everyone where to go to find people they could understand. We all started with Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family, so the likelihood that people all looked similar is pretty good. If you can’t understand anyone, and your skin tone matches others, it would make it easy to create the different people groups. That is also why the flood information is all over the world. These people were not far removed from Noah.

I believe there is only one race – human – as far as people go. Nephilim were cross-breeds and angels and demons are their own race. We are all brown-skinned. Some very light brown, some very dark, many shades, including yellow, olive, and reddish tints. I think the first person to call the color variants races was the first racist.

As you progress through The Old Testament, follow it book by book, chapter by chapter. And remember, read/listen to it multiple times before moving on. When you get into some of the more violent books, like 1st and 2nd Samuel, remember the nephilim…. The Bible does not talk about the inter-racial (demons/humans) breeding again, but I believe it is still happening today. God did not want that in the Israeilite bloodline, so He had to destroy others. I believe the UFO’s are actually demons that are trying to get people to believe in beings from another planet, to confuse them about what God says in His Word. More on that in a later post.

I believe that you will come across some symbolic things that you may have a hard time understanding. Do some research, if you so desire, but don’t let it trip you up…. keep reading. One thing to remember is sometimes names are assigned differently – Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, are easy as they are clearly stated in The Bible. Others may not be so clear – the olive tree as Israel, for example. But, think of it as your cousin, Tim. Sometimes you call him Tim, other times it is my cousin, or maybe Tim Smith. All the same person, just different names.

I hope this helps to get you started reading The Bible. I have heard it said the Bible means – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. It would be nice to know what it says so you can make an informed decision instead of an uninformed decision. One of my “favorite” chapters is Romans 1. Not because it tells me good things about me, but it tells me everything that is going on today was written of back then. And a certain phrase calls some people “willingly ignorant” – which Kent Hovind so clearly translates to “dumb on purpose.” Don’t be “willingly ignorant,” get to know what the Bible says, how God speaks to you through it.

Father God, we ask that You help each of us find more time to devote to reading Your love story to us, what we refer to as The Bible. It is called “The Word Of God” because of Your gift to us, Your Son, Jesus, being named “The Word Of God.” We ask this in His name. Amen.


Creation #1

The one thing you have to ask yourself is what do you believe and why do you believe it? Then, test your beliefs. Is there any REAL evidence to support what you believe?

I believe The Bible. There is evidence to support it, and I will get into that a lot more later…. But first, Creation #1.

God created the heavens and the Earth.

Three heavens – the air we breathe, “outer space,” and God’s “residence”

Within 6 days, He created everything we can see – the sky, the Sun, all planets and stars, fish, plants, water, birds, worms, man, etc.

Not everyone believes the same about all of this, but, there is scientific evidence that this is a high probability….

I believe the all the land was connected.  This is one answer to how there are fossils of man and animals all over the world.

We know that there is water under the Earth – we drill holes for water wells.

Before the flood, the ice ring protected life from harmful rays from the Sun.  There was a higher atmospheric pressure on the Earth, and the air had a high humidity and it did not rain, but everything needing water got it from the air, lakes, rivers, or other sources.  There was also a higher level of oxygen throughout all the air.

Because of the atmosphere and hyperbaric situation, healing was quick and growth was amazing and everything lived longer than we do today.  Birds, insects, worms, people, and all animals grew to much larger sizes than we see now.  Reptiles grew to immense sizes and that is what the “dinosaurs” were.

At the time of the flood, the waters from under the Earth burst out – creating tectonic plates, moving land masses – water was hot and under pressure – it rose high enough to hit the ice ring around the Earth and caused it to fall apart and rain or fall onto the Earth.  It could be that the volcanos we know of today were the main vents where water came out.  Much of the movement of the land masses cause crashes and mountains were formed where the land was pressured together. ?

For the flood, Noah spent 100 years building the Ark.  He and his 3 sons were the main workers and they may have had help from others – the Bible never specifies that.  He also may have used animals to move timbers.

This is a picture of Noah’s Ark – well, one end of it…after around 4,000 years of weathering…

So, here is a question – what happened to all the water that was part of the flood?  Once again, there are differing opinions, some backed with scientific facts.  I believe a mixture of things…  I believe God raised up the land to be above the waters, and, based on some science, I believe a large asteroid  may have hit the Earth, knocking it off it’s North/South poles, giving a wobble that causes parts to be colder than ever before.  It caused an almost instant freeze, which caused some animals, and possibly people, to be frozen in an upright position.

Also, during the flood, the waters were moving around a lot.  The violence of the water bursting through the ground and ice falling from the sky, there was a great force and the Earth was still rotating.  This caused many layers of sand/gravel to separate and some to gather in various places, and the pressure from the flood waters turned things into rock, coal, and other things very rapidly.

Also, by God raising up the land to allow the waters to recede, there was some drainage – the Grand Canyon is a good showing of this.  A lot of waterfalls also show this, such as the Niagara Falls.

Noah was given either instructions or knowledge that he needed something to keep the Ark stabilized while the flood was raging on.  The Ark, according to the Bible, rested in “the mountains of Ararat.”  This is in the eastern edge of Turkey.  There have been several people who have claimed they saw the Ark.  Ron Wyatt found Noah’s Ark.  I say this not just because he said he found it, but he tested and investigated and found a lot of evidence in the area.  Ron also found drogue stones.  These were large boulders with holes in them, where a rope would go to tie it to a boat.  As the water deepens, more rope is let out, but the stones keep the boat steady in the water.

Ever since the flood, the ice canopy is gone, oxygen levels dropped, barometric pressure dropped, and life expectancy has been dropping.  This affects all life.  Kent Hovind came up with a chart showing the lifespan of several Bible named people.  The Bible tells how old their father was when they were born and how old he was when he died.  It makes it pretty easy to figure it out, but Dr. Hovind’s chart takes all the work out of it for you.

I, along with many others, believe the Bible’s ancestral information is there for a simple reason.  To tell us how old the Earth is.  It is pretty well known that the radiometric and other forms of “dating” rocks and fossils has been proven inaccurate.  Why come up with a tool when God tells us how old the Earth is in His Word?  According to the Bible and other scientific documents, Jesus was on the Earth around 2,000 years ago.  The flood happened roughly 2,000 years before Jesus’ human time.  Roughly 2,000 (1866) years before that, God created the heavens and the Earth.  That makes the Earth roughly 6000 years old…  The Bible talks about the 1,000 year reign of Christ after His return to Earth.  There are lots of sevens in the Bible…  7,000 years?

There are many people who laugh at my beliefs.  That is OK with me, but they really have issues…  I am not smarter than they are, I just have had my eyes opened to The Truth.

Here are a few verses from the ONLY scientific textbook that has never been proven untrue, but has always been proven true:

  • Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (1 Corinthians 1:20)
  • For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. (1 Corinthians 3:19)
  • The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Psalms 14:1)
  • The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7)
  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (Romans 1:22)

As a note…fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Do you think wisdom comes from anything that says everything came from nothing and there was no intelligent design, meaning a designer, or Creator, or God?

They say there is no God because they are afraid to realize that there is also a hell.

Now, just to be sure….  Not every Christian believes the same for everything.  Some things are not specified in the Bible and some things are in multiple locations in the Bible, and some people want to add their own reasons of why things are written as they were.

These people tend to share my opinions and I got some of the ideas from them:  Ron Wyatt, Ken Hamm, Carl Baugh, and Kent Hovind.  The late Dr. Walter Martin was also an excellent instructor of Biblical history and facts.

Ron Wyatt did a lot of exploring in Israel and throughout the Middle East.  He has made some amazing discoveries and has videos that cover them.  Some of them include Noah’s Ark, the crossing of the Red Sea, the camp of the Israelites after crossing the Red Sea, Mount Sinai, the rock where God gave the Israelites water, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Ark of The Covenant, and more.  There is a museum in Cornersville, TN, that displays much of his findings.

Dr. Carl Baugh is a researcher who created the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, TX.  This man has found so many fossils and has proven in more ways than one can imagine, that the Biblical account of creation and the flood are not just possible, but can be proven.  He gives many lectures in many educational facilities and has found human footprints next to dinosaur footprints as well as dinosaur footprints that appear to be following human footprints.

Ken Ham heads up an organization called Answers In Genesis.  He has built a “replica” of Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter in northwest Kentucky and a nearby Creation Museum.  Ken speaks around the world for Creation and The Bible.  He has done about as much as anyone can to make you feel like you are actually in Noah’s Ark.

Kent Hovind has a place in Lenox, Alabama, called Dinosaur Adventure Land.  He has made several videos regarding creation, dinosaurs, the age of the earth, how we can know that the Bible is true, and the garden of Eden, among others.  He has had hundreds of debates.  He has been attacked so many times by athiests, that I believe he is going too far, belittling people instead of really attacking their questions.  Kent and I have a few differences of opinion, especially when it comes to the time of the Rapture.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us Your Word to explain Your Truth to us. Help us all to get a deeper love and understanding of You and Your Son. Amen.


Sin? What is that?

I believe most people think their lives are not different than most others. I think that is because we mostly think of ourselves as normal. That causes us a lot of issues with misconceptions of what others know. I live in an area with lots of churches. Most people around here know something about the Bible, but that percentage is getting lower and lower all the time.

Sin is doing anything God does not want you to do or not doing something God wants you to do. “How do I know what God wants?” The best way to know what God wants is to read the Bible, and have a personal relationship with Him. Then, a lot of what He wants and does not want is listed in the Bible. Otherwise, talk to God and ask Him to help you do what is right.

The Bible says that we are all born with sin. There is nothing anyone can do to prevent their child from being born with sin. Adam and Eve were created without sin, but after they sinned, we were all down the line. So what are the things the Bible says about what is sin?

First, let me say that I try to follow the example set by Jesus. He hated the sin but loved the sinner…. Actually, He love the sinner first, but hated the sin. That’s more like it. If you are unfamiliar with the Bible, I suggest you read Romans chapter 1. There are many sites where you can read the Bible or even listen to it being read to you. That chapter pretty much covers all of what is going on today, but has also been going on for a long time. In the last days, we can see the abundance of sin increasing. There are many types of sexual sin – homosexuality, “trans-sexuality,” pedophilia, and anything other than a husband and wife only sex act.

We sort of kicked God out of our public schools a long time ago… To a point… If they could, the group that wanted to stop open prayer in school would want to prevent even silent prayer in school. In doing that, a lot of kids have missed that opportunity to ask and learn about prayer and God. That would have at least started them knowing a bit about sin. I have a lot more to say about that.

Heavenly Father, please help each of us understand how we are sinful and we need a savior to take the punishment deserved for our sin. Help those who do not yet know Your Son come to know Him and as Him to remove their sin. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.