
Israel’s Battles

I would like to have this note include all of the battles Israel has been in that are spoken of in The Bible, but, I just want to explain something very simple.

Israel, not the land, but the people – the Jews – are the ONLY people God granted a particular part of the world. God said the land belongs to Israel. Men can say what they want, but God makes the rules.

I heard, once again, people calling themselves Palestinians claiming that Israel is occupating their land. Without condemning anyone, they are sadly mistaken. They have been lied to for hundreds of years and continue to use brute force to attempt to wipe Israel off the map.

Other than the Jews who live in the land God gave them thousands of years ago, we are all occupying land that was not “deeded” us by The Creator.

I was visiting a great friend of mine in his home Sunday afternoon. We sat there in peace, not worrying about someone bombing us with missiles or militants storming the house to kill and torture us. How blessed we are and how far our minds drift away from the terror that the people of Israel live with every day and never know what to expect or when to expect it.

Even Arabs live inside Israel’s borders and are not spared from the evil of man, trying to take what is not theirs. I cannot put myself in the shoes of Israelis or the people who hate them. If I grew up, being told that we are enemies of this group or that group and we attack whenever and with no warning, I would probably believe things that way.

Being a Bible-believer, I know the land belongs to the Jews, or Israel. But I also know the people that have been lied to are not 100% responsible for the mindset that infects them, but they are responsible for their own actions.

One day, perhaps very soon, Israel will retaliate and other countries will join in a terrible war against them. God will intervene and put the battle to an end…. temporarily…. I do not like killing or warfare. And I know Israel does not want to hurt anyone who is not part of the attacking group, but they hide among the masses so when retaliating, there are way too many people killed who had nothing to do with the fighting.

I believe that this current situation can easily enough be pushed into the Ezekiel 38-39 war. Of course, I do not know. I know I am not alone when I say I hate seeing the evil of mankind. It doesn’t matter if it is a bully on a playground or anything worse.

Some day, Jesus will come and take His Church bride to His Father’s House. We Christians call that The Blessed Hope. I could go on a bit of a rant about how we have changed the use of the word “hope” but I will simply say that Biblical hope is the belief, the understanding of a sure event that is said will happen, will happen. Not like, “I hope it does not rain tomorrow.” But, My Hope is in The Lord!

I sometimes have weeks of not writing anything here. It is not because I do not want to, but because I have way too much to say. I have topics I think about, I have specific scripture passages I want to write about…. and with all of the events happening, I have a lot of prophetic information I want to share. I am not a prophet, except by the definition of a “forth-telling” prophet.

My time on this page has come to an end. I shake my head in disgust as I look at myself and my fellow man and see how much we all deserve hell. I pray the events of the past few days help bring people to Christ. Maybe it will drive people to their knees to cry out to God in such a way The Holy Spirit can work with them. May all of these things help each of us understand how important it is to pray for the peace of Israel, as well as for all to accept Jesus Christ, The Almighty Creator, The God-Man Who Is Truly God, and The Only Way, Truth, and Life.

Father, forgive us. We know what we do. We know that You love us so much that You sent Your Son to die for us that we might live, before we ever took a breath. I pray that when we see You, we might better understand that love. Help us to share the love we do understand that can only come from You with everyone we meet. Help us to sow so many seeds that they may overcome the weeds in the lives of others. Thank You for loving me. I am a sinner, saved by grace. I pray this in the name of Your Son, my Savior, Jesus The Christ. Amen.