
Who should I vote for?

Well, I am so glad you asked. That is a question a lot of people are asking, and some who should be asking are not. Obviously, I have my personal picks and I will tell you about them below.

First, ask yourself what type of a person do you want in charge in the role for which you are making your selection. For some, it is easy, their friend or family member is running and they want them to win, so there is no question.

One of the things people look at is the color of the skin of the candidate. What difference does that make? None. If that is you, stop and think…. I will not call you a racist because I believe all people belong to the same race, the human race. There is no black or white, but different shades of brown – including yellowish, reddish, and olive tones, both light and dark, and everything in between. To vote for or against someone because of their skin tone makes you a sad contributor to many problems.

Some people won’t vote for a woman, if they have a choice, while others won’t vote for a man, if they have a choice.

Some people simply vote for the person currently in office, if they are able to run again. Well, what kind of decision are you making? Is that really the right candidate for the job?

Some people look at certain things in the news and vote for the candidate “promising” to make things better by choosing your plan. Like for the COVID-19, if you want everyone to wear a mask, you vote for the candidate pushing that. If you want to have everyone wear a red shirt on Mondays, you would vote for that person pushing that idea. Now, red shirts on Mondays, wouldn’t that be silly? So are many of the promises candidates make.

Several candidates, past and present, have been caught telling obvious lies. Some to make themselves feel or look good, but when the truth comes out, they hope nobody remembers. Some have even said something like, “When I talk to this group, I say this, but when I talk to that group, say that. We need to tell the people what they want to hear so we can get their vote.” And, the funny thing to me is that people still vote for them, not knowing what they really mean or even knowing how dishonest they have been to little things.

Some people vote like their family has for years. Like there is no difference in the world. And some vote how they are told by a group, like a union or some internet group. Yeah, that is what is called “group think” and is very dangerous.

Ok, so who should you vote for? I can only tell you that you should vote for the person you think God wants to have in office. Take, for example, where the candidates stand on abortion… Would God want people for abortion to be in charge? Perhaps homosexuality or the LGBT movement. Would God want people supporting that life style in charge? How about someone who supports removing God and all Bible related symbols from public places? Well, that’s what I use…. It depends on your stance on the subjects and if you care what God thinks of your vote.

Your vote counts and matters. It matters more to God than anyone else.

Father, in these times especially, help us to be wise in casting our ballots. Be with those in political positions and help them to be wise and follow Your guidance.

In the precious name of Jesus, we ask these things. Amen.


Scared about tomorrow?

With all that is going on in the world – even before the COVID-19 problems – even before the financial chaos that had started – it is easy to look at life and all the problems and be concerned, if not scared, of what tomorrow may bring.

I live in the United States. I am very blessed to have a great family, a good Church family, a job, a home, a vehicle, and lots of extras. With all the blessings I have, it would be easy to simply stay in my little world and complain about the lawnmower being broke. So many people don’t have food, shelter, or worse yet, hope. And for some people, hope may be all they have.

It is so easy to look around and see what you have, all the belongings, people, and some intangibles, like love and friendship. We often take Our Hope for granted. Notice I capitalized Our Hope. In The Bible, 1 Timothy, chapter 1, verse 1, our hope is named as our Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ. That is exactly where our hope should come from. The promised God has made to us, as The Father and The Son. He will never leave us or forsake us. How about you? Have you forsaken God? I know I have. Still, He never forsakes me.

Where do you put your hope? In the stock market? Well, I think any American and many others know what can happen with that… But maybe you put your hope in money in other things…. savings, a job, a trust, the lottery, gambling, real estate or some other investment. We see the countries of the world teetering on the edge of financial collapse. Many businesses have been permanently shut down and many people have or will be kicked out of their homes because they cannot pay rent or mortgage payments. We see the numbers in the U.S., but similar things are happening all over the world.

Sadly, people are turning to drugs, alcohol, violence, and all sorts of bad ideas, in order to “survive” or “help” them handle or escape reality. We see a rise in violence, racism, and blame. In some neighborhoods, one hardly dares step out of their home. In Chicago, two different letter carriers were shot by being in the way of a bullet meant for a different target. So now, I understand, people in the areas affected need to go to the post office to get their mail. Many have no means to get there. People are being killed for not saying, “Black lives matter.” I put a new sign on my truck… it says “Your life matters. Jesus died for you!”

So, should you be scared?

When an angel appeared to Mary, she was scared, the angel said, “Fear not.” Same thing with Joseph. Many times when an angle or God appeared to a human, they were scared. They were always told, “Fear not.” But, it was easier for them, right? I mean if I were to say I am never “scared,” I would be lying. I am working on that…. I have concerns, but I know God is in control. What happens is either because He wants it to happen, or He is allowing it to happen, all to fulfill His plan.

We can see Bible prophecies being fulfilled. Some are definitely as written in The Bible, others may be false events, trying to lead believers and Jews astray. There will be many false christs and many will be deceived. The Bible tells us that will happen. Jesus told us that there will be many bad events that will happen, but we should expect them and see them as signs of His return for His Church, in an event called The Rapture. Read Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew Chapter 24 KJV

So, what am I scared of? Well, not scared, but concerned that I have missed witnessing to someone who was ready to be told of Jesus, but I was too busy to say anything. And that is part of the reason I started this blog.

No matter who our nation’s leaders may be, God is still on the throne and Jesus will always be The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Do what God tells you and fear not!!!

Heavenly Father, Almighty God, please help us to trust in You and not fear the future or the present. We know You are in control and no matter how bad things may look to us through our earthly eyes, things are not falling apart, they are falling into place, to fit like puzzle pieces in Your plan. Be with us as we meet people who are open to Your Word and help us to be Your witnesses.

In the precious name of Your Son, The Creator Christ, our Lord Jesus, Amen.