Many people today think that if a person is homosexual, it is because they were “born that way.” I don’t agree, neither does God. There are many sins that God directly shows his wrath against in The Bible. In Genesis chapter 19, the events of God’s wrath against homosexuality is written. Genesis 19:24-25 says, “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.”
There is even wrath shown against Lot’s wife who did not listen to God. Today, we are being fed the lie that homosexuality is normal and we need to accept it. They have added it to TV programs and advertisements to make us think it should be allowed. Well, The Bible teaches us to love the sinner, but to hate the sin. Look at yourself. Are you free from all sin? I certainly am not. It is covered by The Blood of Jesus, so my sins are forgiven, but I am not free from sin. We all sin. But, sexual immorality is totally against God’s design and He made that pretty clear.
Oh, you don’t think it happened? Well, without the physical evidence, I believe it did… This post is short as I link to a video I hope will be available as long as this site is active.
Ron Wyatt also discovered these cities and a lot more… look for Ron Wyatt’s Presentation of Discoveries….. God allowed Ron to find a lot of things and document them before He called him home….
Heavenly Father, I ask that You allow the evidence You have preserved for us to see always be available for us to help people know Your Word, The Bible, is Truth in every way. I thank You for allowing me to see the evidence Ron Wyatt presented, and, as he said, I probably need the physical evidence more than I think I do. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. I pray this in the name of The Creator Christ, Jesus. Amen.